Tuesday, June 30, 2009


.,.I thought it will last forever

But, it was totally wrong! Some stayed but some also leave, others even fly away. Why were these happening?

Perhaps everyone could be a friend. Your neighbor can be a friend. Your classmate can also be a friend. Even your pet can be considered as a friend too. Well certainly anyone could be a friend.

The problem here is when your friend doesn't like you anymore. He/she might already phased you out of the friend's list. Of course, it hurts! Though it can't be seen but maybe he/she just don't feel it.

Now I already understand that friends won't be there all the time. I also have to let go. Well it's their choice if they wanted to stay as a friend or not. I don't hold decisions anyway.

The least I will do is to cherish all the memories we had together. There, I will start opening up to new people in my life. Maybe they might also leave but I have to understand.

Well no one's permanent, everything changes even friends do change. //'.?

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