Sunday, June 28, 2009


.,.when the clock stops tick-tock.,.

We really couldn't tell the time when and where we will die. Probably tomorrow, the next day, or perhaps today? Will you be ready? But to tell you in all honesty, me, I'm not! Maybe it's so easy to utter these words, 'when it is time, it is time'. Well, we all end up dead and go back to where we belong, as they say: you came from soil, you'll be back to the soil.

The thing I wanted to share is when you died because of something fought, would it sound justifiable? I'm not relating to a war, when you have engage to it you already consider yourself dead. Anyway, let's go back, the reason of the fight was really simple but it only end up to death of either sides or worst both.

Just past few hours, the street where I resided was mobbed. People crowding were busy discussing what happened. They were really noisy. But then I heard 'blood'. Yup they were talking about the incident where two persons fought and were bringing knives and stabbing each other. Oh my God! What would you expect? Death!

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