Friday, July 17, 2009

GOOD NEWS: Celfone load expiration extends

There were complaints about load disappearance without consumption, annoying SMS (Short Messaging Service) text services, and other related cellular phone matters but the NTC (National Telecommunications Commission) have released the guidelines on July 3 a more consumer-friendly validity period for prepaid mobile phone credits.

The new rates and validity period are:

P10 or lower - 3 days
• over P10 to P50 - 15 days
• over P50 to P100 - 30 days
• over P100 to P150 - 45 days
• over P150 to P250 - 60 days
• over P250 to P300 - 75 days
• over P300 - 120 days

In addition to the extended expiry periods, the NTC ordered that unused credits in the previous top-ups would be added to new credits. The cumulative credits would then be the basis for the new validity period.

The NTC also required all mobile network operators to provide their subscribers call data records upon request free of charge. Mobile phone users should likewise be able to check their credit balance for free.

These new directives were made following a public uproar over "vanishing" prepaid phone credits. No less than Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile complained that his prepaid phone credits expired after a few days. Senate hearings on the issue were held, and consumer watchdogs had latched on the issue to hammer on complaints against the phone operators.

It will be effective on July 19, 2009.


[Credits: Google Images]


  1. wow, cellphones rai ko ah... hehe, bstah ang ako ra dli wala.on ang unli, lyf bya nah natoh... ang quotes, sayang! hehehe...

  2. @Dora
    mao man jud imong kalipay, go!
